Certified Secure Web Application Engineer (CSWAE)

The Certified Secure Web Application Engineer (CSWAE) is a professional training in the field of cybersecurity. The CSWAE certification focuses on various aspects of web application security, including secure coding practices, input validation, authentication and session management, authorization and access control, data validation and protection, error handling and logging, secure file handling, and secure communication.

CSWAE Training
Course : Certified Secure Web Application Engineer
Duration : 3 weeks
Training Mode : Online, along with lab access
Certification Policy : Certification Of Industrial Training will be provided to each candidate.

Course benefits
Comprehensive Web Application Security Knowledge
Secure Coding Practices
Vulnerability Detection and Prevention
Risk Mitigation and Incident Response
Industry-Recognized Certification
Enhanced Job Opportunities
Continuous Professional Development

Course Modules
The Certified Secure Web Application Engineer (CSWAE) certification program is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to identify, prevent, and mitigate security vulnerabilities in web applications. Here are some of the key topics covered in the CSWAE certification:

•Web Application Security Principles:
•Secure Coding Practices
•Authentication and Session Management
•Authorization and Access Control
•Data Validation and Protection
•Web Application Vulnerabilities
•Secure Communication
•Secure File Handling
•Error Handling and Logging
•Web Application Security Testing